The internet has allowed information to become accessible at the click of a button – or rather at the touch of screen pixels. Being an entrepreneur never was, and still isn’t an easy job, the internet has made the entrepreneurial journey less chaotic. Successfully managing a startup requires an entrepreneur to explore more uncharted territories and juggle multiple disciplines with the efficiency of a machine.

Some of the challenges that entrepreneurs have to overcome along their journey include successfully allocating limited resource available, building up communication lines with customers and conducting thorough, efficient research-based solutions. Not to mention keeping track of the ins and outs of cash flow, because at this point in your business, it is simply not possible to let have haphazard books.

Thankfully, there are several apps that can help budding entrepreneurs manage the daily administrative tasks of their new startup and boost productivity like never before.

6 Apps that Busy Entrepreneurs Need



Wunderlist is a great app that at its core, allows you to make a list of all things you need to accomplish in a certain time frame. What makes this management mobile app standout from all the clutter is the ability to share your list with other people and establish a line of conversation with them without having to jump to different messaging platforms.


Invoices can quickly take a significant portion of your time, requiring monotonous tasks that are often inefficient when performed manually. Wave is an app that helps businesses generate and customize invoices for clients, keeping all trivial details such as expenses and income accessible on a neat and tidy dashboard that is easy to navigate and understand.

Businesses can send reminders, scan receipt and receive notifications on payment. Wave also allows businesses to accept card payment through its robust software as a service system.


Many startups fail because of inefficient money management practices. With Mint, small-scale businesses can now manage their budget and make smart financial decisions. What makes this app so useful is that it is free and takes care of virtually all matters, ranking from your bank accounts, bills and investments so you can focus on the task that actually matters, growing the business.


Skype is a convenient way of keeping in loop with your investors, clients and team members. One of the unique features about Skype is that it allows you to simultaneously connect with more than two people over video conferences. You can share pictures, videos, documents and make the information more engaging by inserting helpful emoticons.

Once your conversation is over, your chat history becomes archived which means you don’t have to worry about missing out on keynote during the conversation.,

Google Analytics

There are several tools that help you track where your customers are coming from and how your business is faring. But Google Analytics takes the cake by not only being completely free but also the best software solution to track marketing metrics.


It can be time-consuming to devote your attention to different social media networks without disrupting the flow of work. If you feel that a large chunk of your time gets wasted on social media posts, then Buffer is here to help. It allows businesses to schedule social media posts when you feel your target audience will become more receptive.